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hello world, may I say?

finally got myself a blog 22-07-2024 2 min read Updated 25-07-2024

phew, first time writing something like this. think of it as my diary, i guess. my main motivation to start this blog is to log moments in my life, or just rant about stuff, or maybe even share my experience with something.

this website was a side project i worked on prior to joining Trileotech as a frontend developer in 2022. since then, i’ve barely maintained it. to be honest, i barely had any energy to work on any side projects. i’ve been working on my job, and that’s about it.

the past couple of years have flown by quickly — perhaps too quickly. i found myself struggling to find moments of peace and quiet amidst everything happening. gaming and watching movies became my solace, and even reading books was a challenge i barely managed to overcome. exercising was another challenge where i lost motivation after just a few months.

i kind of blame all of this on my introverted nature. being indoors all the time, i’ve grown to love the comfort of my room. instead of doing something productive, i would just sit in my room, play games and tire myself out.

anyway, a couple of months ago, i decided to put my foot down and decided that this needed to change. i’ve spent two years being inside my comfort zone, and it has made me lose myself. everything came down to my introverted personality. i decided to lose my WFH job and get a job in an office.

i resigned and got a job at Brain Inventory as a software developer. i’m excited to start working in an office environment. i’m hoping this will help get me out of my comfort zone and help me grow as a person.

i also took some time out and updated this website. i moved to Astro, tweaked the design a bit, got rid of some unnecessary stuff, updated my projects section, added a blog (took years for this), and some small things. i’m hoping writing blogs often will help me get better at writing and help me express myself better.

in the following days, i’m also planning to write about my experiences, thoughts, and anything else that comes to my mind.

a picture of my rabbit and dog my rabbit and dog

oh and also, i’m planning to add view counts too :P so yeah, cheers.

  • Aniket
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Email me at hiya [at] aniketkotal.me
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